Thursday, September 30, 2010

Video shoot

Dear world,
My dad did a video shoot at our house last week. It is for the company he works for. It was very interesting to watch. All sorts of people were here. One guy was telling dad what to do. I thought only Mom did that. Dad kept on saying things over and over like they didn't hear him the first time. He was getting really warm since there was this bright hot light shining on him. Not sure why they needed that since the sun was out. Maybe they wanted his skin to look dewy. I don't know why Fuzz and I didn't get to do the video shoot with Dad. Maybe cause we don't know how to read cue cards.
Love always,

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Birthday Report

Dear world,
As you know, yesterday was my birthday. Since everyone has been asking so many questions about it, here is my birthday report. After a wonderful day at the park swimming in the lake, I napped. I had nice dreams about eating pizza. My dreams came true when I woke up and had some leftover cold pizza..yum. Then I got to open all my presents. Toys, toys,toys and treats! Fuzz got me 2 new cans of tennis balls. After our walk, Mom made me a cake. Chicken breasts with Cheddar cheese frosting served with my favorite biscuits. Yes, I am spoiled, but Mom says I deserve it.
Love always,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Birthday Bear

Dear world,
Today is my birthday. I am now eight years old. I am considered a senior dog. I find that a bit weird. Humans say that each dog year equals 7 years. That would mean I am 56, so why am I a senior? I thought that seniors don't start until at least 65 years old.But since I have the senior label and am over 50 now, I guess I should join the AARD.
Love always,

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh Won't You Stay?

Dear world,
Well you met my Aunt Dorothy yesterday. So I wanted to introduce you to her husband, my Uncle Wilbur and their niece, my Dad's sister, Aunt Kathy. I love them all so much. I wish they wouldn't have to leave today. I was really hoping I could personally convince them to stay longer. How could they resist petting my soft fur and my kisses for a few more days? I know. What if I sing... Oh won't you stay, just a little bit longer... please, please, please say you will...
Love always,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Story Time

Dear world,
This weekend has been really nice. My Aunt Kathy, Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Wilbur came to visit us. Fuzz and I have been taking turns being pet by each of them. They love us. But Aunt Dorothy took a special liking to me though. She sat down and read me a book about the dogs of U.S. presidents. While it was very interesting to listen to, I just loved staring at her talking to me. I wonder if she would do Skype with me when she gets back to Kansas City.
Love always,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Turn the Dog off!

Dear world,
Mom gave Fuzz and I a present the other day. At first Fuzz and I got real excited. It looked like a new stuffed toy dog. But then it started rolling around the floor and giggling. It wouldn't stop. Fuzz sniffed and then got bored. I found it rather disturbing. My Mom was laughing. Then Dad came home and made her turn the dog off. Thank goodness. This is up there as one of Mom's weirdest purchases for us. What was she thinking?
Love always,

Friday, September 24, 2010

FuzzBuzz: Dirty Blonde

Dear world,
When we went to Shelby Farms Park, I went over by the water. Instead of just sand this time, there was lots of mud. It was pretty warm out and it felt very good on my feet. I figured, why just my feet? So I laid down. That felt so good. However, my blonde fur turned brown. I figured that is OK though. Everyone changes hair color. I think I look better as a blonde than a brunette though. Luckily, it rinsed off when I got home.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dr. McCuddly

Dear world,
Mom loves the TV show Grey's Anatomy so I end up watching it too. New season is here and they always add new characters. So it got me to thinking. Why not Dr. Bear? No wait. There has been Dr. McDreamy, and Dr. McSteamy. So I think I could fit right in as Dr. McCuddly.
Love always,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Hour

Dear world,
Mom takes us to this really great pet store called Hollywood Feed. It has all sorts of toys and way cool collars. And treats galore. It even has two bars! One for chewy stuff of what my mom calls "eewww"animal parts. The other bar is full of gourmet cookies. So it got me to thinking. Every store could use more traffic. So since they have such a great bar, actually two, I am going to suggest they have a happy hour at least one night a week. Mom can be our designated driver.
Love always,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Retriever instinct

Dear world,
Last week, when we went to Shelby Farms Park of course I went swimming in the lake. Fuzz has never come swimming in the pool or the lake. So that day, I thought if I spoke in specific retriever language, maybe that part of him would listen to me. I called him to come swimming in the lake with me. Well, while he didn't swim, he came closer than he ever did to the water, but then laid down in the mud and watched. I guess he didn't yet understand his retriever instinct that was beckoning him. I will try again next time.
Love always,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sophie's Choice

Dear world,
When I first moved here I saw this dog Sophie who I thought was so beautiful. I have seen her only a couple of times on my walk and each time my heart just throbbed. Well yesterday she was out when we passed by her house. So Mom let us walk over and see her. My heart dropped. She went over to Fuzz. Oh well. That is Sophie's choice. And anyway, I still have Pearl.
Love always,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

King Bear

Dear world,
So many people are fascinated by royalty. We don't have any royals in the U.S. (other than the Kansas City Royals, but they are a baseball team.) Anyway, it got me to thinking what it would be like to be King Bear. Fuzz would be my dog in waiting. As King, I would make sure that all of my animal subjects had a nice warm place to live with lots of food and love. And I would have a special closet of tennis balls which I would share with those who like to retrieve. I would still want to sleep with Mom and Dad though. So I wonder how I could become King?
Love always,

Friday, September 17, 2010

FuzzBuzz: Ducks

Dear world,
Lately. we have been taking our walks near this lake. And everyday, I see these ducks. I try to go over and say hello but they run away. I don't get it. I am just trying to be friendly. I thought that is what I am supposed to do, especially being from the South. But the ducks aren't friendly back. It makes me very sad. Do you think it is my breath?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Training Mom

Dear world,
I just realized that my brother Fuzz is a VERY smart dog. He doesn't listen that well so Mom always rewards him with cookies when he does. And when he doesn't like to do things, Mom gives him cookies to do them and/or rewards him with cookies when he does them. Mom and Dad think it will just take more time and training with him to learn. But I think he already has learned. Actually, he has already trained Mom in exactly what he wants her to do.
Love always,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bear Cat

Dear world,
Last month, I got such a good response when I tried out being a lap dog, that I thought I would try to see me as a cat. Cats also sit on laps, so I really should have included them in my thought process the first time. Well it is never too late. I think I make a pretty good cat. But since I can't have the tennis ball if I am a cat, that is a deal breaker. So much for Bear Cat.
P.S. For those who may have been wondering, I am not a University of Cincinnati BearCat.
Love always,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No dog is an island

Dear world,
Last weekend while I was playing in the lake with some other dogs, Fuzz went off by himself. When I looked over I saw him laying down in what looked like an island. It got me to thinking of the English poet John Donne and I thought...

No dog is an island. No dog stands alone.
Fuzz your joy is joy to me, Fuzz your grief is my own.
We need one another, so I will defend.
Fuzz you are my brother, Fuzz you are my friend.

And I went over and sang that to him (just like Joan Baez) .
Love always,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sitting Bear

Dear world,
Mom took this picture of me when I was playing Cowboys and Indians. I looked like an Indian that would be called Sitting Bear. So it got me to thinking. Is there or was there an Indian by that name? So Mom helped me google it and there he was Satank, translated as Sitting Bear! He was a prestigious warrior and medicine man in Oklahoma in the 1800's. It is a very interesting and sad story, too much for my blog. But anyone can google it. That was my (and your) history lesson for today.
Love always,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mad Dogmen

Dear world,
Since my Mom & Dad always watch MadMen, Fuzz and I end up watching it too. So it got me to thinking. Could Fuzz and I be Ad Dog men? I already write a blog and Fuzz does guest posts. I am the Creative Director of my blog so I also conceptualize the visuals. So I would think we would be able to create advertising. We could call it BBD. No, not DDB, BBD...those are my initials. I wonder who could be our clients. Need to keep thinking.
Love always,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Tribute to Canine Heroes

Dear world,
Today is the 9th anniversary of the horrible day of 9/11/01. I wasn't born yet, but I think everyone should take a few minutes to remember. I personally want to pay a special tribute to the Search and Rescue dogs of Ground Zero. There were over 400 of them. They are heroes to me. This link tells their story and has a lot of pics that show dogs from all over the country that came to help. Thank you all -- you make me proud to be an American Canine.

PS -- The picture is of Kent Olson and Thunder from Lakewood, Washington. Photo by Andrea Booher - Fema News Photo
Love always,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Clean Ears

Dear world,
I thought one of the benefits of not going swimming in the ocean was that I wouldn't have to worry about ear infections. I also thought that meant that I wouldn't have to deal with ear cleaning. What I didn't know was that one of my new favorite pastimes of rolling in the grass causes my ears to get dirty. Hence, they need to be cleaned. UGH! OK. But at least I haven't gotten an infection. Knock paw on Wood.
Love always,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Night Creature

Dear world,
I don't get much of a chance to play fetch during the day cause it is just so hot outside. So now Mom plays fetch with me at night sometimes. It is really fun. The only thing I don't like about night time play is the resulting pictures that Mom takes. I look like some scary night creature. I mean, what is with my eyes? Do I really look like that? Has all the vampire stuff rubbed off on me? Aaahh. I hope not. I would be scared of myself.
Love always,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

FuzzBuzz: Big & Tall Modeling

Dear world,
One of the things I have learned since I have been here, is that you have to model for Mom. There is no getting around it. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, if she wants a picture she will take it. She is very patient. She just keeps the camera clicking until she gets some shots that she think will be good. Well, I will never be as good a model as Bear, but at least I get cookies for modeling. And it is OK for me to eat them because I am a Big&Tall model.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kitty Obsession

Dear world,
A few weeks ago on our walk we met a white kitty. Fuzz LOVED! The kitty was hanging on the grass by the golf course watching the ducks on the lake. It was very friendly to us. That is until Fuzz insisted on sniffing its butt and of course...SWAT!. But Fuzz didn't care. So ever since that day, Fuzz has been obsessed looking for the kitty on our walk. Well finally yesterday we saw the kitty again. Fuzz was beside himself with excitement. He was doing really well but then he just couldn't resist the kitty's butt. SWAT! So is Fuzz a masokittyist?
Love always,

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sub lease

Dear world,
It used to be real comfy in Mom's car, well as comfy as cars can be. That is until Fuzz came along. Now don't get me wrong. I love Fuzz. But he is SO big. And he likes to stand up in the car and mom always tells him to sit. So when he sits, he ends up sitting on me. Not OK. I told Mom she needs to get a bigger car. She said she has to wait for her lease to be up. So it got me to thinking. Maybe I should put an ad on Craigs List for someone to sublease. "Really nice car looking for new Mom with 2 small dogs. Comes with sweet dog smell".
Love always,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cowboys and Indians

Dear world,
I saw an old TV show and the little boys were playing Cowboys and Indians. I thought it looked cool and told Mom. So Mom said that Fuzz and I could play as well. But she wouldn't get me a bow and arrow nor Fuzz a gun. So what is the point? She said to make believe. If I have to make believe, I would rather be wearing the cowboy hat than these feathers on my head. Next time Fuzz can be the Indian.
Love always,

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dog House Hunters

Dear world,
Mom and Dad love to watch House Hunters on HGTV, so I end up watching it too. And it got me to thinking. What about Dog Houses? So I decided to go on the Internet for dog house hunting. Wow. I had no idea there were such incredible dog houses. I had a really hard time narrowing it down to three like in the show, so I am posting all of them. But I just can't decide which I would go with. Well, its not like I have to make a decision, so I won't sweat it.
Love always,

Friday, September 3, 2010

FuzzBuzz: Hard work

Dear world,
Even though Mom is back, Bear said that I still need to work on my FuzzBuzz assigment. I try really hard to think, but it gets me exhausted. And then I fall asleep. Bear said that as his assistant I can't fall asleep on the job. I told him I was really trying. So he said that I should just take more breaks and take dog naps on those breaks. I thought that was fair. Bear is a good boss.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dental perks

Dear world,
Yesterday I got my teeth cleaned . I only know because I was told. Well, I also looked in the mirror. My teeth are really white. Just like in the commercials. Teeth cleaning definitely has its perks. When Mom picked me up at the vet, I stared at the cookies and she bought them for me. And then, when we got home she gave me my regular kibble. But I put on my just came from the vet eyes and she cooked me turkey to have with my kibble dinner. Should I be flossing after dinner?
Love always,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where's the taco?

Dear world,
Yesterday, my Mom made tacos to celebrate Taco Tuesday. My dad was really excited, as were Fuzz and I. So after they had their tacos, Mom called Fuzz and me. I looked at what was on the table and thought she would fix us each a taco. But she took the taco meat and cheese and put it in our bowls. I wondered about the taco shell and the other fixings. She said they weren't good for me. Oh well. So it is Taco Meat n'Cheese Tuesday from now on. I am not complaining.
Love always,