Friday, January 21, 2011

FuzzBuzz: Jackpot!

Dear world,
Yesterday was a lucky day for me. Mom was getting our food ready. First she put Rosy's kibble in her bowl and placed it on the counter. Then she put Bear's kibble in his bowl. and put it down on the counter. Then as she was preparing mine, she made a klutz move and tipped Bear's full bowl over. JACKPOT! Before Mom could even reach for the dustpan, I, Fuzz the canine vacuum, cleaned it all up. I knew one day standing at attention next to Mom during feeding time would pay off.


  1. Good for you, Fuzzy. Patience is a virtue, and yours paid off.. HEE HEE... Bet she won't do that again anytime soon. Have a great weekend... full belly and all.

    pawhugs, Max

  2. That wuz vary kitteh like of you Fuzzy, *high-paw*!

  3. That is totally pawsome, Fuzz! Keep up the guard duty.

  4. next time your mom is fixing the bowls... bark loud for no reason.
    you might get lucky again.

  5. Good move Fuzz. Your efforts paid off.

  6. All yoor training fur dat moment paid off, Fuzz and yoo saved yoor mama frum needin her dustpan. Good job! :)

  7. You lucky boy !! Bet you thought Christmas had come again !!
