Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another New Year's Resolution

Dear world,
My new years resolution is to try to eat less treats. But to really lose weight, I have heard you also need to exercise. Well, we have a treadmill so I thought I should try it out. But when Mom was about to turn it on, I got scared and got off. And then I thought of another New Year's resolution. Instead of the treadmill, I will try to walk faster on my walks to burn more calories.
Love always,


  1. Walking faster sounds like a much better idea than the treadmill. I know peoples with two legs who can't do it. Imagine getting out of step on that thing with four legs...OMC... legs everywhere.

    Have a great day, Bear.

    pawhugs, max

  2. Whew - dat treadmill thingy looks dangerous. Dat's a much better plan.

  3. Good luck, Bear! You're lookin' good on that treadmill! Although, the FiveSibes would opt for faster walking too! Happy walking!

  4. good thinkin' Bear!! That sounds like a plan to me!

  5. I fink walking faster sownds lyke a gweat plan. I fink doze tweadmill fings r scary!

  6. your mom has to place treats on that treadmill to bring you closer to it. while the machine is on maybe she can placed treats on the sides.
    I've seen videos of dogs on treadmills and is very funny.

  7. I haven't tried that treadmill thing yet, but someone told Mom there's a special way to train us pups. Dunno what it is though.. I'd just walk fast--it's the same thing and it makes your Mom walk fast also!! That'll fix her for cutting down your treats!!!

  8. You can do it!!


  9. You can do it Bear. Instead of food treats, ask for more love treats. We love you.
