Friday, January 7, 2011

FuzzBuzz: Why waste?

Dear world,
When BunnyBell visited, Mom bought her a dog bed. But BunnyBell preferred the couch. So the dog bed went unused and remained in the kitchen. Well yesterday I decided why waste a dog bed? So I brought the bed into the living room. It is actually very comfortable. I also took Bear's iBone, cause he hardly uses it. No reason to let that go to waste either.


  1. You do look comfy Fuz. Um, me thinks dat bed might be a little small for you tho.

  2. Great... bed and iBone. I think you are in the lap of luxury now.

    pawhugs, Max

  3. Fuzz, maybe you have cat's DNA.
    You are such a green dog, recycling everything you can.

  4. Fuzzy, you are so silly--almost as silly as me when I get up in the cat tree! But, I don't have an iBone. Cool

  5. Use that iPhone to Tweet, eh! *MOL*

  6. Whoops, I meant iBone... sorry I was dreaming of the iPhone on Verizon that is coming soon, eh! *MOL*

  7. Fuzz u iz rite der shuld be no wastes, but OMC u doz not fits in dat bed. mehbe u shuld order u a bigger one wif ur iBone.

  8. Me finks yoo need a kitteh. A kitteh wud fit purrfectly in dat bed! I lyke yoor idea of recycling, dat a good fing, FuzzBuzz!

  9. Very resourceful, Fuzz! You remind me of my Corgi brofur Ein--he also sleeps on a bed that is way too small for him, but he seems to love it anyway.

  10. It's a pretty tight squeeze, Sweetie !!!
