Monday, January 24, 2011

Clang, Clang, Clang Went the Trolley

Dear world,
Memphis has these authentic vintage trolley cars that run downtown and stop at famous places. So I waited at a trolley stop. And there came the trolley. The trolleys are restored to their original elegance. So they are supposed to "invoke memories of the simple days of yesteryear." Well, I am only eight years old and my days aren't too complicated. But I did think the trolleys were real cool. Only problem, I was not allowed on. So I continued my sightseeing walk. Better for my weight watching new year's resolution anyway.
Love always,


  1. Bear, yoo iz so lucky yoo gets to do so much site seeing and trabelling all ober! Yoo iz lernin so much abowt yoor new home. I'ze a widdle afwaid ub da owtside. Mama took me owt back once and I hid behind her plant till she picked me up and held me. I was okai fur a while den. It gud yoo not afwaid.

  2. Hi Bear. Wow how lucky yoo is to see so many new things. I just mostly see da woods cept when I gets to ride in da car. I loves yoo bloggie vewy much.

  3. That was a pawsome walk you took, even though you couldn't ride the trolley. I wonder if they have doggie-trolleys somewhere?

  4. Iz nebber been on a trolly either. Walking is good. So much easier to sniff da world. ~^..^~

  5. you are so smart Bear. I'm sure you explain everything to your mom too so she can blog for you. very unfair not allowing you in on that trolley.

  6. Oh Bear - how dare they deny you getting on dat trolly. You lives in a very interesting city.

  7. I'm always amazed at how well behaved you are to sit so nicely. What a good boy. XX
