Monday, April 19, 2010

A new place to swim

Dear world,
Last week I went swimming in my new pool. It was really hot outside, so it felt so good to go into the cold water. I wasn't quite sure about the stairs at first since the ocean doesn't have any. But I got the hang of it pretty quick since I had to fetch my ball out of the pool. Big benefit over the ocean is not worrying about ear infections or tummy aches. I guess the vet bills will be less then. Maybe I could get more tennis balls with the money saved?
Love always,


  1. Oh Bear - you so lucky to have your own swimming pool. Dat looks like so much fun, and you can leap in whenever you want.

  2. dat swimmy pool looks so cool and refreshin. I dunt likes water myself but i hears doggies love it (az long az it not fur bathies).

  3. Oh BearBear, I love to swim in pools too! I wish I could come visit you, we would have so much fun. Could you send your plane for me? xoxo

  4. Oh my have your own swimming pool! I'm soooooooooooo jealous! Some dogs have all the luck, others have to swim in murky lakes, ponds and salty oceans. You're so right....the water in your pool is much healthier.

  5. Oh wow a swimming pool that is luxury!

  6. it will come N handy cause it gets awfully hot here N da south BOL Happy swimming !!!


  7. very nice pool. I'm so happy for you. You won't miss swimming at the beach so much.

  8. Hey i wish i lived in a house then i could do whatever i want and i will have a dog to beat up

  9. Dat pool looks like tons of fun! My mama loves pools and sun n summer. I iz not too sure about water.

  10. What a lucky little guy you are !! That looks like a lot of fun.

  11. I was so worried about how you would go swimming after you left the ocean now I am not worried any more. We have one of those pools too but I'm afraid to jump in. Since we have a pond I can still go swimming but maybe I will think about the pool too.
