Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Passover

Dear world, Tonight is is the first of eight nights of Passover. This holiday celebrates freedom for the Jewish people from 400 years of slavery. The story goes that Pharaoh was asked to let the Jews leave Egypt but he refused. It took 10 plagues to convince him, but he finally let them leave. But then he changed his mind and sent his army to get them. But the Sea parted, the Israelites crossed safely! I find that story fascinating! Anyway, on the first night there is a Seder Dinner. Everyone reads this book called the Haggadah that takes you through the story of Passover. There are all sorts of symbolic foods on the table which are part of the story including Matzoh. You eat Matzoh during Passover instead of bread. It's specially made unleavened bread that looks like a big square cracker. It symbolizes freedom cause the Israelites couldn't wait for their bread to rise cause they left Egypt in such haste. I don't think my treats are leavened. If they are, maybe I can get some Matzoh with Peanut Butter on it! Sorry this post was unusually long. But Passover is a long holiday with a long history with a very long dinner.
Happy Passover!

Love always,



  1. Happy Passover Bear, you all look vary pie-us wiv your fancy hats n loook at all teh noms! omaigoodness

  2. Happy Passover. Enjoy your seder...have some brisket for me!
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  3. Happy Passober Bear! Yoo iz lucky dat yoo getz bof Easter and Passober. We getz only Easter. We lub da Easter foodz. Sumtimes we getz sum turkey and we all lub turkey (well cept fur my sisfur China who duzznt eat people fud cuz she duzznt lyke it, but today we gets sum nommy treets cuz today is China's 6th birfday n mama will let US celebrate eben if China duzznt want enny!) Hab gud seder, Bear and fambly!

  4. Today's *Rhymes with Orange* strip is about Haggadah, and it's hilarious! Dad says, "As the Jews fled Egypt, the heat of the sun baked the bread on their backs...hence Matzoh. One woman carried a side of beef on her back, and it, too, slow-cooked, resulting in delicious brisket." Caption: Sometimes Al veered from the Haggadah.

  5. Oh, almost forgot. THANK YOU, Bear! Happy Seder!

  6. happy passover Bear! you might want to revise the history. Maybe somebody eat pizza and forgot to mentioned it :)

  7. Great post - Chag Pesach Sameach :-)

  8. Oh, YES!! Brisket and Matzoh. Happy Passover, Bear!!

  9. Hello Bear and fambly! Happy Passover! Dis is bestest Passover fambly dinner foto ai has efur seen! *purrhugs*
