Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dental perks

Dear world,
Yesterday I got my teeth cleaned . I only know because I was told. Well, I also looked in the mirror. My teeth are really white. Just like in the commercials. Teeth cleaning definitely has its perks. When Mom picked me up at the vet, I stared at the cookies and she bought them for me. And then, when we got home she gave me my regular kibble. But I put on my just came from the vet eyes and she cooked me turkey to have with my kibble dinner. Should I be flossing after dinner?
Love always,


  1. BU-TEE-FULL Bear! Ur mom weally lubs u 2 take such good kare ob u & Fuzz. Now u make her an appointment 4 her teeth. Will u buy her cookies 2? Wally

  2. ohhhh Bear your teeth are so white you should be in a tooth paste commercial!

    Your Mom is so smart to keep up on your teeth. I better buckle down and brush my Sheltie's teeth more often.


    Cat Chat

  3. ohmaigoodnessgrayshush you haz bewtiful perly wites!

  4. Hooooowly moly, those are some big white teeths! BOL Make sure to brush and floss regularly so they stay that way!!

  5. Those are really pearly whites.
    You look very handsome in the first picture... and very happy.
    Your teeth could be in an ad campaign for that vet.

  6. Da best part uv gud teef iz yoo getz to keep nommin gud fuds! Datz da onlyiest gud part uv goin to da vet too! Yoo iz so handsum Bear!

  7. My momma brushes my teeth almost every night! I love it!

  8. You look fabulous. Look at them pearly whites, whiter than mine LOL!

  9. Your teeth look Great! Sounds like you had a special dinner, lucky boy!

  10. U has wonderful Chompers Bear,but U should get cookies 2 XXXX

  11. Your teeth look very pretty. Turkey for dinner sounds like a special treat.
