Thursday, February 18, 2010

Project Runway

Dear world,
So tonight is another one of my Mom's favorites. Project Runway. A few seasons ago they had to design matching outfits for the owners and their dogs. That was a good episode. I would love to have a matching outfit to my mom's. Of course I would much prefer to match my Dad, but no way my Dad would agree to that. He thinks clothing on dogs is ridiculous. (he doesn't follow my blog
Anyway, I wonder if they are doing it this season...where can I sign up? Maybe I should write to Heidi.
Love always,


  1. Our parents are alike. Dad freaks when mom talks about putting clothes on me. We tried at Halloween but it didn't work out. You look great in clothes though.

  2. I saw yur other blog and you luk qwite nice dressed up!
