Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rosy the bride

Dear world,

With all the weddings, proposals and bridal showers in the news, Rosy keeps thinking about what it must be like to be a bride. So she put on a wedding veil and walked around to see a pretty place to get married. She chose a nice spot near the flowers. Then she asked me to sit in for her potential groom. I don't know why she thinks she's getting married. I, as her big brother, won't even let her date!

Love always,



  1. GaSP - Rosy is a gorgeous bride. Don't lket her have a Twitter account of her own cuz all the boys are going to me howling for her affections.

  2. Rosy iz a bewtiful bride like Mario sayz an you iz a hansome groom. I duzn't blame you fur not letting her date, her iz so pritty you wud haz too many boydoggies hanging arownd nommin your fudz.

  3. Mario iz rite! I wuz finkin dat if Rosy got on twitter she'd hab a groom in no tyme flat! She make a bootiful bride and uv corse yoo iz a beary handsome groom, Bear!

  4. Bol keep her single bear rosy is 2 young!! But u big is very beautiful & handsome xo

  5. The entire affair looks very dignified.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well, a girl can always dream! We think Rosy is a lovely young lady!!
