Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pirates of the Missisisspi

Dear world,
After seeing Pirates of the Caribbean, I have always wondered what it would be like to be a Pirate. So the other day, Fuzz and I got into our pirate garb and went off to sniff for buried treasure. Since we don't have a boat, we sniffed all around our yard, but no luck. Then Mom gave us some treats, so I guess that was our treasure. Fuzz asked for some more. He got it. I guess that is because he looks like Fuzzy Depp.
Love always,


  1. Yew bof make pawsum pirates. Arrrg!

  2. You look really nice. Fuzz looks extremely happy.
    you both look adorable (best pic ever?).
    I can only imagine how much fun is your mom having while dressing both of you.

  3. Girl really liked this post. Maybe because Fuzz looks especially happy but you, Bear, don't look so impressed. BOL! There is something really great about this pic.

  4. shiver me timberz ye pirate dogz! heehee

  5. Treasure HunTinG is The Spice of Life!! Arooooou! Treats R the Frosting on cupcakes..With sprinkles like fairy Dust!! Fuzz is a looker! A JohNNy Depp Look-A-Like!!

    xoxoxo Gracie Anne

  6. Yoo guyz luk amayzing! I fink dis pyrate fing iz da best yet!

  7. OH dat did make us laff Fuzz & Bear U guy's is da best !!!

  8. You made my day with this picture! I simply love it!
