Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bear Crockett

Dear world,
I saw this thing and I thought it was a dead raccoon. My Mom told me it was a Davy Crockett hat. So I had to find out who he was. He grew up in Tennessee, and I am in Tennessee. We have something in common! But he was a Congressman, and I don't plan on running for office. He also went to Texas, and I have no plans on doing that either. He was in Alamo's last stand. Well, that is over with. But at least there is still his hat. It's nice to wear the hat of an American folk hero.(I just hope it is not raccoon mating season.)
Love always,


  1. Dear Bear~Bear. You look ravishingly handsome in that racoonie hat. Davie Crocket could not have worn it better! I did research and i am happy to say that it is NOT raccoon season, but it is rabbit season!

    Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO

  2. I sure hope that's not really a giant squirrel in disguise. You are awfully brave to have that on your head!!


  3. you look very explorer in that hat.
    looks great on you.
    You are too smart to be in that Alamo place where everybody was shooting everybody.

  4. MOL - relieved to hear you're not about to be pounced on by an amorous racoon!!

    Sure you won't reconsider your decision not to run for office? Think a lot of politicians might benefit from your good sense... :-)

  5. It looks good on you Bear, My mom had 1 of dem wen she wuz a little girl she luved Davey, & der wuz a Tv show bout him on every week she watched xxxxxx

  6. You are so cute in dat hat Bear. you are also a very tolerant doggie to wear all these costumes.
