I told you about my new Standard Poodle neighbors and showed you Sadie, Maxi-me to Rosy. Now I want to show you Hannah who I think is very beautiful. (Mom thinks I have a crush on her.) Hannah came back from the groomer the other day looking extra pretty and I wanted to compliment her. She had a feather in her hair! I told her I thought she looked like Stephen Tyler. And she ran away! What did I say? I just don't understand girls.
Love always,
WOW - she is a beauty for sure. Love dat floofy tail too. Do I smell "love" in the air?
ReplyDeleteShe's very beautiful, is your mom right, do you have a crush on Hannah? I used to have a crush on my Main Coon neighbor name Maggie, she was so beautiful and much bigger than me, she moved away thought :-(
ReplyDeleteJake the red tabby.
Hannah is a bootiful girl. It's no wonder you haf a crush on her.
ReplyDeletexoxo Kassey
Wow Hannah iz a stunner, an you izn't looking haff bad Bear, did you get your tail furz brushed?
ReplyDeleteBear, you were suppose to say that she looked like Liv Tyler (Stephen's daughter).
ReplyDeleteBOL! She *does* kind of look like Stephen Tyler!
ReplyDeleteMai hyooman sisfur in law alwayze haz feathers in her hair and she haz beary white hair lyke Hannah! Oh boy Bear, is der gonna be a wedding in yoor futcher?