Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Baby Squirrel Story

Dear world,
Yesterday, Mom found a baby squirrel in our backyard. Of course she freaked, but immediately googled. She read that you need to put the baby in a box on something soft like a t-shirt. Luckily, one of the cable guys that were working outside got him into the box with the J.Crew tshirt. Then she found out the baby needs a hot water bottle with a sock over it in the box. She then put the box where she found the baby hoping that Mama Squirrel would get it. That is when I went over to guard the squirrel. Mom said it was very noble of me, but Mama Squirrel won't come if I am there. (Why would a squirrel be scared of me?) But I listened, cause Mom was in no mood for my thought provoking questions. Well, Mama Squirrel never came. So luckily, a nice Squirrel rescue/rehab lady told Mom she was able to take care of the baby. So when Dad came home, he went to get the box. The squirrel had crawled up in the sock! Dad thought it suffocated and Mom said "I killed it?" And then Dad took away the sock and the baby moved! Relief! Then Mom and Dad brought the baby over to the rehab lady's house. The lady felt that the baby will be OK. And she told them it was a girl! A girl squirrel. I love rhymes. And I also love happy endings. (Paws crossed for Baby Girl Squirrel!)
Love always,


  1. Oh Bear, you iz such a good doggy protekting da baby skwirrel. how lucky for baby that your mom fownd her an I hopes her iz okai *purrr*

  2. Oh Bear - what a bootiful story. Now if only dat squirrel knew you better, she would know you would not hurt her, you were just protecting. M wants to give you a big HUG for being so nice to the baby squirrel. Your ooman is pretty special too for trying to save it.

  3. Bear what a sweet story! Yoo gotz to hab an adbendture too. I noes dat u iz so gentle n protektive and dat ud neber hurt dat gurl squirrel. It beary nyce dat yoo wanted to gard it. I iz beary happy dat yoor mama fownd it a home. I will keep paws crossed fur yoor gurl squirrel too! :)

  4. Bear, the baby's mom might be scare you because she doesn't read your blog and doesn't know how nice you are :)

  5. Bear, you are so nice.....I hope the baby squirrel is ok.
    Jake the red tabby

  6. I have a sneaky feeling you were hoping she would play ball with you....

  7. I can't believe you just sat there next to it. I think Lola would have gone crazy.

  8. OH Bear what a great thing your momma did do saving that baby squirrel HUgs to you an your momma !!!!!

  9. Love the part where the baby crawled into the sock. I wish I could crawl in to a sock. Maybe once, now Iz a big boy. One lucky squirrel Bear, you did a good job, you knew squirrel mum wasn't coming back. animals know these things. ~^..^~

  10. Baby squirrels are so cute ... and we're glad this one had you and your mom on her side.

  11. We have a ton of gray squirrels in our yard... they love me because I always have something good for them, especially in the winter. I've named them Scamper 1 thru 1001 - but they don't mind! I love all my little backyard creatures! Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to HELP animals at these sites: www.cleanbreath.org /www.care2.com /www.freekibble.com / www.theanimalrescuesite.com THANKS for CARING
    It's FREE to you - just "click" once, DAILY!

  12. Awwwww-I hope they update you on her progress-she's everso cute. What a pity her mum never returned though.
