Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is that a face?

Dear world,
There are a few times in a day that I really want something. One, is when I want to play ball. The other is when I want a treat, which is more often now that I am on a diet. So I started practicing my irresistible faces. Those that my Mom and Dad just absolutely can not refuse. I think I almost got it down pat with this one. Don't ya think?
Love always,


  1. If you looked at me with that face, I would give you anything your little heart desired.

  2. OMC! Wut a fayse! I bet yoo getz tweats wif dat ebery tyme. Yoo go Bear!

  3. what a face. post your address and I'll send you cookies myself. You are a Pro at being irresistible. Whoever resist that face is not human.

  4. Awww love that face, especially when they rest their head on a surface like that :)

  5. Dat is da face of faces. I wud give yew all da cookies wif dat face.

  6. Bear, you can have anything you want with a face like that!

  7. That's a great face. Maybe I should practice my cute face too.

  8. It's a shame you're not here, Rumblemum could not resist that face!!

  9. That face should get you anything you ever want.
