Friday, June 7, 2013

Ball Thieves

Dear world,
Yesterday Mom took me to the park. I was very happy playing catch, rolling on the grass and then relaxing with my ball. Then, this little girl came up to me and took my ball and said bye-bye. Her Dad explained that it was my ball and she had to give it back. After what seemed like forever, she came over and I got my ball back. Then the next thing I knew, I set my ball down and a squirrel tried to take it! I need to be careful of all the ball thieves at that park!
Love always,


  1. ha ha - that little bean is pretty cute and little, so we can forgive her. buttttttt that squirrel you could beat up on if you really wanted to. He has a lot of nerve stealing your ball. Hope you gave him a good run for his money!

  2. BOL!!! Those darn squirrels, go get him!!!!

  3. Bear how nice of you to share your ball with the little girl! The squirrel however is a definite thief! :) (It's a cute squirrel tho)

  4. Bear, your squirrels seem not to have hair. Must be because of the heat. Don't worry about squirrels. Check for Chip Monks. They will swallow your ball and go back to their tree.

  5. That's a cute little girl. She looks very polite and she probably knew you are a good doggie and wouldn't bark in her face. That squirrel was just smelling if your ball was a giant nut and he would be able to eat off it all summer without having to hunt for more! It all ended up fine, especially that happy grass roll. Love from RainbowCatsx8

  6. Wow cute ball thieves they come under cover of cuteness so you won't suspect them!! Hugs hugs hugs!!

  7. Hi Beat, you are very brave, I'm scare of the little humans cause they are very rough...
    Ronnie the red tabby

  8. What a good little girl-maybe she should have thrown it for you. But, a squirrel after your ball??? No way!

  9. U r so good to that little girl. Very patient. -- Cattt
