Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidential Choice

Dear world,
All this election talk got me to thinking....would I rather be Bearomney or Obearma.  I still cant make up my mind since neither candidate has addressed any dog issues. But if I were President BearBear, my primary platform would be no more homeless pets, All kill shelters would be banned, and animal cruetly would be a federal offense. Since I don't have a wife, I would appoint Rosy as First Lady. And I would move the White House to the beach.
Love always,


  1. We remember dat Romeny put his dog on top uv his car to go on vacation. Dat makes me an Obearma voter! :) And I fink Rosy wud be a purrfect 1st lady.

  2. Oops.. Romney even :) OH and me n my sisfurs wud luv to vote fur President BearBear!

  3. anybody that puts his dog on top of a car, and thinks he'll do it again, has an chemical unbalance on his brain.... Obearma all the way. Obama's only issue is that he didn't pick a Golden Retriever for first dog. Instead he chose that Portuguese Water dog, but he is cute and is not a big issue :)

  4. Love the idea of moving the White House to the beach! You have my vote.

  5. Wish u was president bear xxx

  6. You've got my vote buddy and M said she'd vote for you too.

  7. I would for president BearBear!
    Ronnie the red tabby

  8. We would give all our eight votes to you Bear! And we would send Rosy a rosebud corsage to wear to the Inaugural Ball. We like your platform, too, especially the one about animal cruelty being a federal offense. If that was the case, then Romney would have to go to jail and Seamus and all of us would do the Dance of Joy. HahahaMeow! Love and ballot box stuffing from RainbowCatsx8
