Sunday, June 12, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos Caroline!

Dear world,
Today is my niece Caroline's 5th birthday. So we decided to have a party for her in Mexico. We ordered a beautiful pink cake since that is her favorite color (what is it with pink and girls?) Fuzz got those trick candles cause he thinks it is hysterical when you can't blow them out. We all put on our Mexican party hats and sang Feliz Cumpleanos Caroline!

Love always,


P.S. While we learned how to sing and say things in Spanish. we did not learn how to type in Spanish. Therefore, there are no tildes or upside down exclamation points.


  1. he he - If you would have typed it in Spanish, I couldn't read it. I'm not a very bilingual kitty.

  2. Oh Bear, you iz such a stikler for detaylz! Just enjoy an haz cake!

  3. Bear dat cayke looks yummy. I fink itz fun to haz a party in enny language! :) Mexico looks so bootiful.

  4. Happy Birthday to your niece - and that is one pawsome photograph!

  5. Happy birthday to your niece; hope you, Fuzz, and Rosy had some cake. Your niece is so lucky...last month I turned 10, all my humans gave me was a new pot to plant fresh party. Maybe it time for me to trade in the humans :-)
    Jake the red tabby.
